
Monday, April 21, 2014

Blog Tour and Review: Fade In, by M. Mabie


Fade In by M. Mabie

Tatum Elliot is a successful writer on a hit television show, lives in an Upper East Side apartment and loves her life. She wouldn’t change a thing. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have a choice. She's losing her sight. Tripping over her tongue and her heels, Tatum all too quickly realizes that the things which appeared so important before are slowly slipping away leaving room for what really matters. With the support of her best friends, family and colleagues, she begins to see that there’s much more to life… and herself. When Ben Harris enters her life as her new personal assistant, she can’t tell if it’s his good looks and charm that are working on her libido, or his kind and helpful nature working on her heart? Whatever it is, neither one of them can resist it. As her vision fades out, a world of love and happiness just might…Fade In. Fade In is a contemporary-romance novel about laughing through your tears and telling life to, quite frankly, “Suck it.” This novel contains sexual situations that the author may or may not have tried at home… for your safety, of course. Research is research.

"I hope you saved the receipt for the breakfast and all that stuff yesterday, too. You don't need to be buying my meals," I say with a mouth that's half full.
He quickly pulls the Jeep into a parking lot and smoothly parks in an available space. He turns the engine off and turns to face me.
"Okay. We need to get a few things straight for today, Tatum." Emerald eyes look at me with utmost determination. "Today, I'm not working. Neither are you. Today we are Ben and Tatum, out and about, having a good time. Think of it like a date."
"A date?" Is this a date? Hold up. When did I agree to a date? Then again, what could it hurt? It's one day-date.
"A date. I'm paying. I'm driving. I'm in control. Do you agree or disagree to this arrangement?"
"No one has ever asked me to go on a date while I'm already on the date." I can't help but smile and be a little excited that he wants to be on a date with me—and he didn't mind telling me so either.
"Will this date interfere with our working relationship?" That's the responsible question I needed to ask. 
He shakes his head no.
"Is this like a friends-buddies kind of date?" My eyebrows rise and I lean forward, trying to gauge where he's at in this whole thing.

"Not for me, but I can't answer that for you. You don't even have to think about that right now. Just relax and let me show you a good time. Deal?"  He says this with such confidence that I'm speechless. 

4.5 out of 5 stars

I was so excited to get my hands on Fade In by M. Mabie!  I seriously think she is worried I am a stalker!  M. Mabie is a fellow blogger over at and I always love to read her reviews.  They are so honest, and hysterical that sometimes after I write my reviews on a book I go and indulge in hers just so I can dream that my reviews might be that damn good!  But I digress, on to the Fade In review!

Tatum Elliot is a writer for a sketch comedy show who I have a sneaking suspicion is a lot like Mo!  Tatum is so freaking funny!  I swear I was reading this at work one day and had to put the book away because I was laughing so hard I was crying and I am sure that people knew I was not working, but whatever it was so worth it.  As funny as she is, Tatum is also dealing with a diagnosis of Retinitis Pigmentosa that will eventually leave her blind.  This is an interesting twist for me in a book.  I work my regular job in an ophthalmology office and with one of the best retina specialists in the country.  I understand, more than most readers, the fear that comes with visual impairments.  I have been told by one of my physicians that people fear blindness second only to cancer.  I am sure if you think about how horrible and scary it would be to be in the dark constantly you can relate.  I think that M. Mabie did amazing job at relating the emotions that Tatum was feeling.  You could tell that she wanted to ignore them and stick her head in the sand, but eventually it was going to catch up with her.  My heart broke for Tatum for all the things she was going through on her journey.  

Ben Harris is hired as Tatum's personal assistant once she tries to figure out a way to control her situation.  Ben is just so freaking perfect.  He can cook, clean and everything in between!  I love how the relationship evolves between them and I love how their conversation flows and always leaves me laughing.  He really is hard to beat as a book boyfriend.  He is going to rank pretty damn high up for me.  

Winnie is Tatum's BFF and is also conveniently engaged to Cooper, Tatum's brother.  Winnie and Tatum together reminds me a little of my blog partner and my BFF when we get together.  I know sometimes when we are at lunch together the old people around us are mortified when they hear us talking.  But they are so honest and blunt and downright hilarious that I just want to be their friend too!  I would love to be a fly on the wall during some of their conversations.  Cooper is they typical big brother, over protective to a fault while making fun of you to your face.  They seem to truly love each other but piss each other off at the same time.  Its perfect!  

I think if you crave some funny, romantic books by authors like Alice Clayton and Emma Chase you will adore M. Mabie!  So get on over to your fave book site and one click this baby!  I wish that I had the guts to think half the crass, vulgar things she writes.  Well, I might think it, but this southern girls mama would wash her mouth out with soap if I wrote it or said it, so I will just stick to reviewing and laughing to myself about scenes and punchlines it all day.  Well done on your debut novel, Mo!  And I can't wait to read many more in the near future!  Hurry up with that novella already!  

About Author M. Mabie
M. Mabie lives in Illinois, NOT Chicago, with her rock-star husband. (True story.) She loves writing for Fifty5Cents Book Blog, which she owns and operates- at the moment quite poorly. She's a proud member of the Indie Author Romance Author Chicks writing group where she maintains a high standard of professionalism and lady-like maturity- or not. She cares about politics, but won’t discuss them in public. She uses the same fork at every meal, watches Wayne’s World while cleaning, and lets her dog sleep on her head. M. Mabie has never been accused of being tight lipped or shy. She’s THAT girl. (She doesn't usually speak in third-person, but surprisingly does when weirded-out about writing her bio.)

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Interview with M. Mabie

1. Do you have a regular, boring 9-5 job? If so, what is it? 

Okay, hold on to your hats. This is exciting. I sell industrial control and electrical distribution products, along with other electrical supplies. Ha-ha. It's actually a great job and I work for a wonderful company. There are not many women in my field and that can be a good thing and a bad thing at times. You never know, maybe I'll be writing full-time one day. A girl can dream.

2. Favorite food? 

Cheese and ice cream, any cheese and any ice cream. Honestly, I eat everything. I like trying new things and my tastes change with my mood. I love sushi, steak, Italian, Mexican, Chinese, whatever. And now I'm hungry.

3. Favorite candy/ice cream?

I tend to be a savory snack kind of girl, but I never run out of lollipops. I love Tootsie-Pops, pomegranate is my favorite. Tatum and I have a shared love of Karmal Sutra Ben & Jerrys

4. Do you have a personal reason that you wrote about someone that's blind? 

Not really. I just thought it was interesting. I thought about the story and Tatum for a long time, before I wrote down anything. I thought about how I'd feel in her situation and the things that I'd miss. I can't really say why blindness was on my mind, but it was. I find it fascinating and terrifying at the same time. I think it's unusual because of her age. I don't know any younger people who've lost their sight. I typically think of an older person with vision problems. Her inner and physical struggles gave me much to work with. I kind of miss her.

5. Are you a lot like Tatum in real life? 

I wish. She's way cooler than I am! Obviously, her POV is mixed with my own, and dramatized for a romance novel, but her humor comes from me. We're similar in that way and also in the procrastination department. I tend to ignore things I don't want to deal with. Things work out, but I'm my own worst enemy just like she is. I'd like to think that I'm a good friend like she is. And she's got some sexual prowess that I'd love to claim bragging rights too.... orally. Hahaha.

6. When is your next release? 

My next release is coming soon. How vague of me. Ha-ha. I have been working on this story- off and on- since November. Now that I have time to jump in with both feet, I realized that their story is much bigger than just one book. I'm completely finished with the outline for "Bait" the first release in The Wake Series.
It's much different from Fade In. It's more dramatic, raw and emotional.  The characters are more flawed and they don't always make the right decisions. It's a love story but not a sweet and easy one. Bait is part one in Blake and Casey's story. I can not wait for you to meet them!
My goal is to have the manuscript written by June and out shortly after. Fingers crossed.

7. Will there be a sequel to Fade In? 

I don't think that there will be a sequel to Fade In, but I have been asked for a Devon and Cynthia novella. Hmmm. That might be fun. ;)


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